in search of wildlife at its finest
Experience the breathtaking beauty of the northern landscape while exploring the environment of our planet’s foremost polar bear denning area.
Enjoy the experience of building a snowhouse or go for a walk on the tundra using snowshoes. Sample our delicious, traditional Aboriginal food – caribou, ptarmigan and bannock. The evenings are filled with presentations on Aboriginal culture, as well as slide shows and videos about the Churchill area. When the skies are clear, you can witness the dazzling light show of the Aurora Borealis – The Northern Lights.
Days at the Lodge are spent seeking out the local wildlife – the great polar bear and her cubs, caribou, ptarmigan, foxes and possibly even wolves. Wat’chee guides are indigenous to the arctic area and their expertise is second to none. Guests of Wat’chee Expeditions can fully enjoy a perfectly safe yet unforgettable world class experience!
For more information, please contact Wat’chee Expeditions